Business And Commercial Litigation

Area of Practice

The Business and Commercial Litigation practice at Knight Nicastro MacKay represents companies in resolving complex commercial disputes through litigation and alternative dispute resolution.

Business And Commercial Litigation


Disagreements and confrontations between businesses or between businesses and customers or government regulators sometimes defy simple solutions and lead to litigation. Another option to move beyond such disputes is skilled dispute resolution, in which business owners and managers take advantage of experienced counsel to litigate the matters. That is who we are and what we do at Knight Nicastro MacKay, LLC.

Our attorneys have years of experience and a record of many successes achieved while representing the interests of our business and commercial clients in cases involving issues such as:

The Power Of Prompt Representation

Disputes that escalate and drag out can put a company’s reputation at risk and have a negative economic impact on the business. Because Knight Nicastro MacKay, LLC, has the resources to represent clients in multiple matters, we help clients efficiently navigate the dispute in the direction of a timely and just resolution through negotiation, mediation and/or trial.

We are trial lawyers at our core and have delivered many wins for clients in the courtroom. This track record is a tangible asset in new cases, as legal opponents understand that we will carry a case as far as it needs to go. We also take the time to determine if a trial is in your best interest.

Request A Consultation

Our team welcomes the opportunity to evaluate disputes, whether complex or straightforward. We view every proposed step from our clients’ points of view, aiming to protect their bottom lines when we recommend the next steps toward resolution.

Call 720-907-6800 or send an email inquiry to reach our legal team. Meet with an experienced attorney to review options for resolving a business or commercial dispute.

You are in good hands


Business And Commercial Litigation

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Our experienced team is here to assist you with your legal needs and provide personalized advice.